Lightroom users, Help!

Discussion in 'Technical Troubleshooting' started by Lt.Ron AVFD, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Lt.Ron AVFD

    Lt.Ron AVFD New Member

    Nov 21, 2019
    77D, 18-136mm, 70-300mm, Pixma-100
    Now that I see the true benefits of shooting in RAW with my 77d, I downloaded Light-room, onto a laptop and try to print on my Canon Pixma-pro 100.
    The laptop just cant handle Lightroom, averaging 2 minutes between mouse clicks!
    The staff at Staples are trying but can only suggest a "Gamer" desktop cause it has a capable VRAM card.
    Question is can a system like this also do the basics like E-mail, Microsoft Word, Excel, ect?


  2. Craig Sherriff

    Craig Sherriff Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Tasmania, Australia
    60D,350D 1dmark3, T70, AV1, lenses ranging from 28mm to 600 mm, canonet Junior, Canonet QL 25, Mamiya C3 and 3 lens sets,Mamiya 645 pro TL and 3 lenses.Mamiya universal press camera and 4 lenses, Mamiya RB67 Pro S and 5 lenses, Pentax MG and various lenses, Toyoview 4 * 5 inch large format camera,Calimat C1 8*10 inch ultra large format camera.
    Ron, the computer that can handle a high end game will handle the less taxing programs as those you spoke of. A gaming computer relies on how good the CPU, onboard memory or RAM, the graphics card and it's available RAM, so a good gaming machine will will handle what you want.
  3. Robert Shears

    Robert Shears Active Member Site Supporter

    Apr 24, 2017
    Pentax K-5, K-r, K20D, K100D Super.
    Canon G5, Canon 450D, Eos 100, 500, 600, T70 and T90
    Konica Minolta 7D
    Various OEM and 3rd party lenses in Pentax, Minolta and Canon.
    I have just bought a new computer myself. I have gone from a laptop to an all in one to a desktop. I am a novice when it comes to tech...or an old technophobe may be more apt.
    After reading what I could on the internet I decided to get a desktop with an i7 chip, a 256gb SSD for windows 10, this or a larger SSD may accommodate lightroom as well and a 2tb HDD for image storage, result is my new one is so much faster than my old HDD only all in one, has more than twice the memory. Black Friday deal.
    I did find that microsoft office had to be purchased seperately so downloaded a free one (libreoffice) off the net. It is reasonably if not totally compatible with official office software. Some high end functions may not work.
    I have previously used openoffice on my laptop which is free to download also. That should take care of your "office" requirements.
    The desktop is easily upgraded with a better graphics card if necessary to suit lightroom's requirements.
    The January sales are not far off and the "Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals may still continue somewhere.
    Best of luck.
  4. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    Ron, what specs do you have on your computer? How old is it? Most newer computers should handle LR relatively well, but Adobe does recommend a dedicated video card with at least 1gb of Video RAM. I have a 2014 Macbook Pro that handles it like a champ, it was however a very expensive computer when I bought it and exceeded the specs recommended.

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