for trout. I spoke to the fisherman and his wife. Up to this point, the fish were winning. They were not going to be eating trout for dinner. But they seemed to be happy without any success. Gary
Now I am the master of wetting the line. The joys of owning a 4wd. We are in the middle of summer at the moment, we are eyeing up returning when there has been a good dusting of snow. Gary
Nice shot, I like the fog over the top of the hills (looking at it on phone atm) Being there doing the thing is a test in itself even if your goal doesn't come this time. (edit- looks even better on the computer)
The peace and tranquility are real reasons why we go fishing. Catching fish is just a bonus. Great picture. Couldn't be more of a contrast to the lowland rivers of England that I fish, but just as beautiful.