Hello. I'm Andy from Indiana. I'm a complete amateur, but am interested in the science and discipline and willing to spend the time, money, and effort needed to get better. I had been content with a pretty basic DSLR until a year ago when I realized I was missing too many moments when taking pictures of children. The autofocus on the camera I was using was just too slow. So I got a Canon t7i. I've subsequently added 50mm and 85mm prime lenses to the 18-55mm and 55-250mm kit lenses. I'm very happy with how the t7i handles, with the settings and controls, etc. I'm happy with the special setting, though most of the time I use the Av setting. I'm catching the movement like I couldn't before. I like everything about it but the sharpness of the images. On many of my images, the sharpest focus is a centimeter closer than where I wanted it to be. I did not understand, when I got the t7i the full implications of APS-C versus full frame. And I wasn't aware of the need for lens calibration and the fact that the camera I was buying didn't do that. So, that's where I'm at. Thanks for creating this forum.
Hello Andy and welcome to the forum. It's good to see that you are enjoying your equipment. Ask away with those questions and someone will help you out. Gary