I will say right up front that I know zilch, zero absolutely nada about anything Canon. I recently inherited a Canon T50 and just wondering about its stature in Canon lore. Any information would be appreciated.
Get onto Utube and type in T50 if not the T70 is similar, there should be a heap of info there. I have a T70 the next model to come after the T50. FD and FL lenses fit it and are cheap and plentiful, you have a lovely camera that is simple to use and 35mm film is easy to get and have processed I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you Craig Sherrif and Vasile Guta-Ciucur for your replies. I will follow up on your suggestions.
The Canon T50 was a "budget" alternative SLR for beginners. It was basically a 35mm Point & Shoot style SLR that could use Canon FD interchangeable lenses. It was the next generation of Canon's mostly plastic mass production consumer model cameras following after the transition started with the AE series models. It was useful as a cheap backup that could use the Canon FD lenses.
I have the T70 , It may have been also a cheap backup but it was one camera that ventured into a early form of auto and I think my camera is pretty cool . I have a 1D and a 60D and a heap of FD and FL lenses and love using the T70 so if you have something that works for you and makes photography fun enjoy it.
I own a T70, T80 (with AF lens), T90 and the non-similar late-comer T60. I agree they're all great for image making, especially using nice Canon FD lenses. The difference being the varying degrees of features and capabilities to control exposures, which becomes more of an asset when shooting color slides.
If I remember correctly, the T-50 camera was the first of the T-series, which focused on the general consumer. The T-50 was my first 35mm camera that I bought back in 1984. This was different from the A-series, which was focused on the amateur photographer and semi-professional line. I really enjoyed using the T-50...I later progressed to using the Canon A-1. So enjoy using the T-50!!
Yup the T50 came out in 83 when the T line was introduced and aimed at simplicity of design and operation. Canon did produce a very professional level body in the T90 which is a real gem of the lineup. I never owned a t90 however, I did have a T50 that i got handed down from my dad in the 90's, but I was invested in Pentax at the time so I got an LX.