Nature Muntjac Deer on Film

Discussion in 'Post Your Photos' started by Old Film Bloke, May 29, 2017.

  1. Old Film Bloke

    Old Film Bloke Active Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Brentwood, England
    A-1, AE-1, FTbn, FD lenses: 28mm f2.8, 35mm f3.5,50mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 100mm f2.8, 200mm f4, 75-150mm f4.5 zoom Tokina FD fit 300mm f2.8, extension tubes, Gift CANON 1000F + kit lens and a Sigma 70-210mm, Gift CANON EOS 300v + 28mm f4-5.6 and 75-300mm f4-5.6 Another GIFT a CANON POWERSHOT G5 Digital ,2008 EOS 1000D DIGITAL
    taken at the Hanningfield Reservoir Nature Reserve through glass of the Visitors' Centre with my FTbn+ 300mm f2.8 Tokina AT-X . 12/1999 dated Kodak TMY 400 processed in home-made ID11 1+1
    [​IMG]FTBn 04 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
    pcake likes this.

  2. Craig Sherriff

    Craig Sherriff Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Tasmania, Australia
    60D,350D 1dmark3, T70, AV1, lenses ranging from 28mm to 600 mm, canonet Junior, Canonet QL 25, Mamiya C3 and 3 lens sets,Mamiya 645 pro TL and 3 lenses.Mamiya universal press camera and 4 lenses, Mamiya RB67 Pro S and 5 lenses, Pentax MG and various lenses, Toyoview 4 * 5 inch large format camera,Calimat C1 8*10 inch ultra large format camera.
    I am just starting to assemble my gear for a dark room as the cost of printing larger photo is becoming very expensive using ink so how do you find the cost of chemicals and light sensitive photographic paper compared to ink printed enlargements .
  3. Old Film Bloke

    Old Film Bloke Active Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Brentwood, England
    A-1, AE-1, FTbn, FD lenses: 28mm f2.8, 35mm f3.5,50mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 100mm f2.8, 200mm f4, 75-150mm f4.5 zoom Tokina FD fit 300mm f2.8, extension tubes, Gift CANON 1000F + kit lens and a Sigma 70-210mm, Gift CANON EOS 300v + 28mm f4-5.6 and 75-300mm f4-5.6 Another GIFT a CANON POWERSHOT G5 Digital ,2008 EOS 1000D DIGITAL
    I see you are in Tasmania -- well, I have read that the cost of Photo stuff is more expensive in Australia area BUT here I would say that 'darkroom Enlargements' are CHEAPER than large Ink-Jet Prints and much more FUN !! -- the Printing Paper costs have gone up here due to the cost of Silver and Chemicals. If you develop your own B&W films it costs 'pennies' compared with a lab.
  4. Craig Sherriff

    Craig Sherriff Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Tasmania, Australia
    60D,350D 1dmark3, T70, AV1, lenses ranging from 28mm to 600 mm, canonet Junior, Canonet QL 25, Mamiya C3 and 3 lens sets,Mamiya 645 pro TL and 3 lenses.Mamiya universal press camera and 4 lenses, Mamiya RB67 Pro S and 5 lenses, Pentax MG and various lenses, Toyoview 4 * 5 inch large format camera,Calimat C1 8*10 inch ultra large format camera.
    you are right about the cost of ink, it was cheaper to buy another printer with ink than replace the ink but now you only get half full ink cartridges with the printer, I have most of my darkroom equipment so I can give it a go soon

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