Who has a decent EXIF editor for PC? I do not want to use LS or PS for this. Just a simple standalone program so I can add lens info to my older images.
Have a look at EXIF Pilot: https://www.colorpilot.com/exif.html I think it will allow you to do what you want.
Exif Pilot is what I started using last night after I posted. It seems a lot of my images pre-2016 are totally missing the LensModel field in the EXIF. Long process to add a new field with that software, so I just put my lens info in the EXIF comment field. Works fine for my site. I wanted to be able to list all relevant info to an image. And lens was missing from many. It is fun trying to recall what lens you used for what 15 years ago.
I am lucky. Shutter, ISO, and aperture info are all there. I guess my 40d and the old Rebels EXIF version I guess did not support lens models. I got most of my stuff updated. I had to look at B&H and Adorama to see what lenses I had since I would sell one and try another. Some were easy to recall like the 100-400L and 400L. I think I got the most spot-on. The only ones I can not be 100% sure of were ones shot at 70mm. That could be one of 2 lenses. I do have about 250 I need to batch edit.
It should support lens data on the 40d Its a field with Exiftool https://exiftool.org/TagNames/Canon.html#CameraInfo40D
I have noticed a lot of the 3rd party lens info from my 40d is wrong. It shows some stuff as Sigma 150-500, or Sigma 12-24, I have never used either. It will show the 12-24 for something I shot at 200mm. I was looking at the EXIF of the raw files.
That is unfortunate, I would think it is partially do to the last firmware that camera had was maybe dated circa 2009? And a newer lens it may not be able to identify properly, but I am far from an expert of exif data and 3rd party lenses.
Donno. Tried to keep the firmware updated. I did notice on the EXIF for the raw files that the 40d had the tag for lens labeled "LensType" and newer stuff from the 70d and M50 have it as "LensModel". No biggie. Where there is a will, there is a workaround.