Hello everyone, i bought a M50 with the standard lens and i have question concerning the device. I see some video on which when we use the camera and change the focal the result appear on the screen or EVF. I mean we can see the final result and the background blur or not only after taking the picture and not when i move the parameter. On my device i cannot see that. I have to take the picture to see the impact of the parameters and to see if the background is blured or not. Is there a parameter on my devise to adjust ?
Your referring to preview of depth of field? Blurry background is due to a narrow DOF because of opening an aperture up wide. This is not something a camera normally will show because to stop down to apertures that are small will make the viewfinder really dark, typically there is a DOF preview option available on cameras if you need it. I believe this menu is from an M50, on DSLRs there is a button on the front of the camera.