White Pelicans are interesting synchronized swimmers. Amazing to watch them go through the cyclical swimming motion (diving and surfacing) for hours on end. This is a cooperative strategy used to herd and capture the fish in shallow waters. They usually come out in the evening and stay on till sundown. in a huddle
Sundar, I have just realized what has happened in image 2 and 3, one of the pelicans has farted and smelled really bad. In image 1 it was the 3rd pelican from the right, he seems to have a smile on his beak and the 4 pelicans the right have caught a sniff of it and are trying to get away from the smell. That is my version of events anyhow.
Nice deduction Craig. All of what you said while looking for food. Looks like you are not a big fan of Pelicans
I like pelicans as we have a few down here in Tasmania, some of my students go out of there way to get images of them when they are around in the Derwent river. I tried to humanize the images, similar to when a discriminate man suffers bad wind beside a group of women in a small room.