It has been that time of year again when this rather prestigious art competion was on again, same as last year I entered and volunteered to help out. As usual I read and tightly stuck to the rules. This was my entries this year showing the conditions this family of cattle breeders work on their small acherage of land. They have a cream bull which is the most uncooperative animal for photography I have ever tried to get a good image of. I took multiple images and each time he turned his backside to me or put his head behind one of the cows or shoved his head into a pile of hay. so I took some images of the breeder's son Stuart and his Mother, Heather. With all this sticking to the rules the winning photo was a dumb fish that was endangered and nothing to do with Agriculture, hanging around in the background I picked up on who knew each other and all the winers were in this little group. t was not all doom and gloom there were some nice Images such as called cows in the mist and a nice image of a wallaby. Just a side grumble on the image, it was a endangered spotted hand fish only found in the Derwent river and it's habitat is threatended by sewerage run off. Next year I will be shooting a Jack Jumper ant, a nasty little bugger as a blow up macro shot. You will see that when I took the image of Stuart and his mom the bull decided to stick his head in the shot .
Photo-bombed by a bull - now that's something I've never seen before Nice shots Craig, pity the judge didn't look up the word 'Agricultural'.
Thanks Keith, like anything worhwhile, you have just have to keep going back and learning from the previous year.