Got a secondhand 650D put new batteries in it and new memory card took few pictures but not showing on card
What happens when you try the other card? Does that work? Also, when you take a couple of images, are you able to review your images on the card with the card in the camera, or are you having problems when you try to review your images on your computer? Gary
I not tried another card as I didn't want to fiddle with it to much but will try it this morning Try to view pictures on the camera it just says no pictures in card Thank you
Swap out the cards, and see how you get on. Where there any other error messages displayed when you inserted the memory card? Gary
No there where no other message It a brand new card I put it in and followed instructions to format it Thanks
That's a good start. You should always format in camera. Have you tried taking any shots since then? If YES, what happened? If NO, I suggest that you do and let us know.
how large is the card as some cameras are limited in the size they accept and will not write to the larger card. I had this trouble with a Nikon D70, put a smaller card and it worked fine.
I have got both memory card working thank you it seems I was pressing the wrong button but I am a novice at this and it don't help that I not got the owners manual but thanks for your help
Good to know you are up and running. You would do well to get hold of a manual and explore the Canon website for tutorials, it would help in exploring ways of using your camera and get you to lose your novice status quickly..
As Robert said go on to the Canon Website, My I also suggest you have a look on Youtube as well. Secondly sit down with the camera and try out what all the buttons do, if you get stuck just put it back on the green square or auto setting and start again as this will help you learn about the camera.
Thank you just been out and taken 50 photos so now to put them in my laptop see what they are like Do you know where I can get the discs for the drivers and the connection leads from please
Since you have the 650 I'm guessing your possibly in the UK? Below is the link to canon site for the 650d page and one for the EOS utility. All software available is posted on their site. A PDF copy of the user manual is on the site. Driver wise the answer is pretty simple: the EOS utility communicates with the camera so that installs the needed drivers. It allows for downloads and tethered shooting, downloads are slow I recommend using a card reader, as mentioned though always format the card in the camera. 7 (64-bit) 7 (64-bit)&productid=tcm:14-937775
No limit on the size of card used in a 650D which would be a T4i in the US, Have fun and learn all of the controls. IMHO a nice camera.
One can never learn too much, there are some great videos on YouTube as well. The basic controls are enough to get started. The basics of photography are even more important. Never be afraid to ask questions, You will find that as far as camera controls go, the 600D is very similar and I have seen some great videos for them.