First of all - hello to everybody! I've been a Canon user for many many years, but have never been to this forum before (usually because I haven't needed to - which is probably a good thing! ). A long while ago, I inherited my dad's slide collection - one of those things I always meant to get round to sorting out, but never had time - but now in today's pandemic situation, I'm doing all sorts of things I thought I'd never get around to doing... The vast majority of the slides are normal 35mm ones, so no problem - I just tuck them in the slide holder and away we go. However, some the older slides are bigger - when I say bigger, I mean that they are still a 50mm square shape, but the actual slide inside is a 38mm square (rather than a 'normal' 23 x 34mm rectangle). Because they fitted in the holder, I thought I wouldn't have a problem - until I went to the custom settings in the IJ Scan Utility, and realised that the only setting available for film was 35mm? (Of course, what happens then is that the Utility 'cuts out' a 35mm-sized rectangle, giving me only the middle bit of my slide!) Please see pic below to see what type of slide I'm talking about here... SO - is there anywhere for me to go here? Am I stuck at the first hurdle, or is there a way around this? Presumably the slide holder is OK and I don't need a different one - it's the Utility that's holding me back, by limiting me to a 35mm slide 'paper size'. Can this be overridden, tweaked, upgraded - or anything?! HELP - anybody, please?!
Hello and Welcome Jaycey, I moved your question to the post processing forum. MY initial question would be can you select a larger scan size and crop it to the film. I assume the software knows where the 35mm is going to be so it crops there on purpose. So you will have to find a more manual way around. The scanner should be able to scan and crop from full bed down should it not, it supports larger sheet film right? My scanning experience was with a Epson 700 but the approach should be similar.
Hi Johnsey, Thanks for your reply, but I'm pretty limited with this scanner? To start with, I only have one other mount I can use (apart from 35mm negative film), in addition to the 35mm slide one - this is for 120 Format film, see below... You would think it would be easy to just lay a slide down in the gap in the middle - but no, if the scanner isn't sensing any actual film, it tells you and won't work! I have to use these mounts because they fit the light source in the lid, which is revealed when you unclip the FAU protective sheet - see below... You can't just lay anything on the platen under that area - it won't work. Unless the scanner senses a mount, it won't do anything at all? So you see my predicament - I'm completely limited by the scanner's light source and its mounts - I can't seem to deviate from this? I was hoping that perhaps someone might know a way round the 35mm slide settings, to allow them to scan in the whole slide, or some third party software might be out there - otherwise I'm stumped? As far as the light source is concerned, I think this is it - there's nothing else in the lid to remove? At this stage, I'm expecting you to say "buy another scanner"! (I would if I could get one that did what I wanted - preferably Canon!)
Hmm, yeah my idea was to use the mounting tray that works for you but set the software to a larger tray, which you would think should be possible. Very very odd.
That was my idea too! But clearly there's some sensing mechanism in the scanner that dictates the software settings. (I was hoping that some Canon expert here might know a way round this, but I suspect there isn't one!) Thanks anyway.
Looks like there have been threads on the topic on canon and other sites. Seems if you tell it not to use the canon driver you can get around it a bit. Personally if I was scanning odd size film I would use some glass to make it lay flat on the scanner.
Thank you very much indeed! The information in that second link was just what I wanted? My drivers and software are newer, so I couldn't click on Use the Scanner Driver as that wasn't available - instead I discovered that the key was to toggle the Thumbnail View Mode on and off. Once I had done that, all the items I needed to alter were suddenly un-greyed out, e.g. Scan Area. I was even able to use my 35mm slide tray (it was the software that was 'cutting out' the rectangles - once I'd turned off the Thumbnail View, I was able to draw a square area around each one). So thanks again - I don't think I'd have found THAT link in a hurry!