Hi all, reaching out to the canon communtiy to see if any one else out there with a EOS R has had corrupt files from the camera. I have had this R for the last 18months, this is the 2nd time it has happened to me. Last friday i did a shoot, no issues. On sunday doing a product shoot i popped back in the extreme pro 64gb SD card and formatted in camera as i always do. began the shoot no issues, i could zoom in and check out photos as i was shooting. Loaded up the photos from the shoot to my workstation via lexar card reader, the first thing i noticed was the quantiy of shots to be transeferred.way more than the product shoot i just completed. When i opened the folder on my WS with adobe bridge i could see all of the previous friday shoot had re uploaded but no preview of prioduct shoot. Tried to open the product shots with PS, not a valid format! tried with capture one 20, no joy either. I noticed the file numbers were skewed. The canon R obviously didnt format the card even though i hit the button, the product shots on sunday were actually numbered before the numbers of the previious friday shoot and ran right up to the first file number of fridays shoot. I had to re shoot the products, pain in the ass but not the end of the world. But what if this was a job i couldnt re shoot? this is the 2nd time in a few months that this has happend to me. The first time i put it down to something stupid i had done and didnt think too much about it. This time round i have documented it. The thought of heading out on a shoot where you just dont get time to double check every time you put in a card, formatt it and then take a shot and double check the file numebr is contineous and then you are good to go! Is it possible that i am the only canon R user with this issue? Have i reached out to canon CPS of which i am a member, yes. do i want to embarress them by publicing their response. Not just yet but i am begining to question my decision to stick with canon when so many of my colleagues have left for other mirrowless brands.
So you generally shoot, download, and reformat by using a card reader to get images off of the SD card? I honestly do not think that the formatting of the card is an issue despite if you did it or not, however I do advise reformatting after putting a card back in the camera just to be on the safe side. I'm going to assume for a moment it is not the camera, the SD card is the smallest and cheapest piece of the puzzle, and the card could be faulty, if you haven't tried a 2nd card that would be my first suggestion, unreadable files usually indicate read/write issues, and if the camera puts out readable files the rest of the time, I am inclined to think the card is the problem.
After reading your post, my first question is what happens when you try another card? Do you have the same problem? Gary
thank you Johnsey and Gary. This has happened twice in 3 months and I would like to think it is a card issue, I can always buy more cards and see going forward if it happens again. I always format the cards in camera before every use. Two things about this. The file naming stopped being continous? the numbers reverted back to numbers before fridays shoot? Let me try to be clear, So I began on Friday with file number 9082, I finished Fridays shoot with a file number of 9800. Formatted the card on Sunday in camera ( full format), I could zoom in and out of photos as I proceeded with Sundays shoot. The file number of Sundays shoot began with 8977 and ended with 9080. All of Sundays files are corrupted but not the files from Friday which should not have been on the card after been formatted. Then, the files which should have been deleted in the formatting on sunday were not deleted, they then transferred over with the corrupt files but the difference being those files are not corrupted. After that the camera file naming reverted once more to the correct number, adding fridays shoot with sundays shoot file began shooting from 9905. thanks mike