I have a Canon TS5050 3 way printer. Every time I scan anything it puts the image into an "Image Garden", the only way I can find to get it into a different folder is to click on edit/pdf. Is there another way to move the image in jpeg format? PDF is no good because it can't be edited/cropped without paying a fee. Suggestions will be much appreciated.
Hi John, Depending on which scanning option is used they all can be changed in settings to the output you prefer from scanning. You can also take one of those PDFs browse to it in image garden and click File, Save and then save as jpg instead of the defaulted PDF.
I can't get it to work Johnsey. The Canon software is the most baffling I have ever had to use, quite honestly I wish I hadn't bought a Canon machine, my old Epson had brilliant software, to san you just had to click preview and you could crop the screen to what you wanted to scan, choose the format and the folder that you wanted to put the image into, then press scan. It did the rest. With Canon you have to fiddle around with the small screen, then it puts the scanned image into image garden and there it stays unless some of the lower icons are not greyed out, then fiddle around for a bit and if I'm lucky it will appear in the correct folder. The instruction book is useless, I've just wasted an hour trying to follow how to change the settings so that I can scan to jpeg, it tells me what can be done but not how to do it. I can't get any help from the help desk. If I can't get it working properly I'll bin the machine and buy another Epson tomorrow Sorry to be so negative, I'm not compute illiterate, I use it all the time for business and home with no other problems. I have already written to Canon twice asking for advice, but no-one replies. It's such a pity really because I have a Canon camera that's absolutely superb.
There is a lot to unpack here, and I am sorry you are frustrated. I can help better if you could share screens of what you are seeing also. I took all my captures from Image Garden directly, maybe you are using a different version of the software. Settings does allow you to select the folder and format of each time of scan and in the case of photo scans the resolution. is the small box this? This is simply a quick scan utility that gives you your different document options. You will see that if Document or Auto are used and the scan decided is a document it will save as PDF by default. That would have to be changed in settings. Settings below as well as the screen capture of image garden both load the same settings panel and you can change to tiff or jpg. If you want a workflow that feels more like your Epson, you can use the advanced tab and crop after selecting ScanGear on the utility above. Frankly i see this as unnecessary. Most scan type dump everything into Documents by default. Image Garden is just a file browse, file scan multi tool. and depending on where things are selected it gives different options. Image files can be cropped and rotated, other edits can not be done here on this screen under the scanner, if you want to edit there are options for images if you go brows to them. you will need a pdf editor to edit pdfs. You can browse to the images in your selected document folder and have a variety of editing options. You are probably stuck because you keep scanning a document using auto and it will see its a document and make a pdf as standard procedure. As mentioned you dig into the settings on each scan type and you can change the format, and if you use anything but Auto you can decide where the files go, i believe auto just dumps into you "My Documents" folder. I'd recommend using Image, Document and maybe custom for all scanning and tweaking the settings accorddingly I really hope all this helps, once used I felt this software was quite intuitive. Canon many times uses their own forums to handle user issues, maybe the email you sent to was not fielding questions like the ones that you asked, it is hard to say what their process is internally, but they should have at least directed you to help elsewhere. It can be hard for them to respond meaningfully if they are not the right team to understand and field the question.
Morning Johnsey. Thanks for your work and suggestions in trying to solve my problems, I do appreciate it. There's something odd about my machine, the screens are nothing like yours, for instance the home screen has six sections: Copy, Scan, Print, a figure 1, a settings symbol, and a help symbol. I tried them all and they took me nowhere, at least not to anything helpful. After scanning and in the image garden, there are choices along the bottom: New art, correct/enhance, special filters, video frame capture, create/edit pdf and print. The only ones available are edit pdf and print, the others are greyed out. That seems to be why when I manage to move an image to a different folder the format choice box only has pdf in it and it stays in pdf format (why give a choice if there's only one!). The print and copy functions work well, so I'll keep it until the ink runs out. Since retiring I have taken on some engineering consultancy work and I have a big project starting next week that will require reports including scanned images, and I daren't be without a usefully working scanner, by that I mean a scanner that I can make work. By the way, I sometimes need optical character recognition, but I can't find it in the Canon. Thanks again for your help Kind regards, John
Are you using Windows or OSX? IJ Scan Utility is a standard scanner application for most of their hardware and listed for your device. But it is windows only. If your not using the Cannon scanning utility I can see why it may not give you full functionality. https://ij.manual.canon/ij/webmanual/WebPortal/PTA/pta_app_intro.html?lng=en&type=app-gd2&app=nwds IJ Utility download https://ij.manual.canon/ij/webmanual/ScanUtility/W/TS5000 series/1.1/EN/SU/su-110.html TS5000Series showing your hardware using the same utility. (The first link also is a webapage or two away from full list of supported models.)