A friend is having issues with the battery on her 600d. The battery light keeps flashing after only taking a few shots. Some don’t save, then the camera stops taking photos. Any suggestions? Thanks
MY First question is.... is this the original battery? Its 11 years old, has it sat on the shelf for a bit, or does she use it regularly? Has it gotten worse over time or quite suddenly? They can be hard to resurrect once they have started to go bad, especially if they went completely dead. Pickup a new battery, get the canon one however if you can, some of the after market ones don't work very well.
Hiya Thanks for responding so quickly, fresh battery and its a new canon battery. I talked her through the old stale battery but already Cheers
I guess I would try to clean the contacts inside the camera and see if that makes any difference. Unfortunately if there is a short or something inside the camera there is not much you can do, and its a better investment to replace than send for service. . .... Maybe someone else will chime in with something I am not thinking of off the top of my head.
Thank for responses we’ve got it sorted. The flashing light was her card door not closing right and the battery issue cleared after a clean
Glad you got it sorted out, I'm surprised it worked at all if a card or battery door didn't latch properly.