From 40d to 6d: exhausted and frustrated

Discussion in 'Canon EOS Digital SLRs' started by Paul Appletree, Sep 26, 2021.

  1. Paul Appletree

    Paul Appletree New Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Canon 6d, Canon 40d, Canon EOS 630
    Canon 24mm 2.8
    Canon 40mm 2.8 pancake
    Canon 50mm 1.8
    Canon 100mm 2.8 non-USM Macro
    Canon 100-300 5.6L
    I'm an amateur photographer with certain technical knowledge, maybe not enough to tackle the problem I'm going to describe here. If any of the contributors to this forum can help me with it, I'll be immensely grateful.

    I used a Canon 40d dSLR since 2008 until a few months ago, and I was quite happy with what it gave me. I took lots of pictures with it and processed them mainly with Adobe Camera Raw. In my color pictures, I generally increased vibrancy about 50 points. This sometimes created a general color shift towards yellow that I corrected easily: I gently pushed the tonality towards blue until the colors looked correct. Other minor adjustments were particular of each shot. The result was usually a very natural, rich and saturated color.

    When I started to use a 6d instead of my old 40d, a few months ago, I discovered a problem that I can't get rid of, and that gives me headaches: whenever I try to obtain saturated colors by raising up the vibrancy, reds quickly oversaturate and become muddy, they loose their natural texture and become like a stain. And blues, although not muddy, become oversaturated as well, and so, in the context of the other colors don't look natural at all.

    The color correction via Camera Raw, that used to be so simple, has become a nightmare with the 6d raw files. Can anyone help me with this issue? In the camera, I use the "Neutral" color setting, which apparently shoud make photographs where colors aren't distorted. Right now I hate the 6d sensor, and I miss my old 40, in spite of it having a much lower resolution and being ASP-C. Maybe there's something I'm ignorant about, which impedes me to enjoy the wonders of the 6d?

  2. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    Hi Paul,
    Welcome to the forum.
    If you are using Adobe Camera Raw I assume that you have the Creative Cloud Photography Plan including Photoshop.
    If you want a good starting point with correct colour correction then I suggest that you watch this video:
    It uses the Auto button in the Curves adjustment panel and the results are usually pretty good. If it seems a little too intense then drop the Opacity to around 50%.
    It works for me and I hope that it helps you.
  3. Craig Sherriff

    Craig Sherriff Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Tasmania, Australia
    60D,350D 1dmark3, T70, AV1, lenses ranging from 28mm to 600 mm, canonet Junior, Canonet QL 25, Mamiya C3 and 3 lens sets,Mamiya 645 pro TL and 3 lenses.Mamiya universal press camera and 4 lenses, Mamiya RB67 Pro S and 5 lenses, Pentax MG and various lenses, Toyoview 4 * 5 inch large format camera,Calimat C1 8*10 inch ultra large format camera.
    Welcome to the forum, Paul.

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