This months challenge will be "False Color" - Change the color of the subject / image from its natural color, either in post or in camera, use of gels, Photoshop or in camera trickery etc Thank You Caladina Again, the rules are simple: Should be be using some canon gear , this is a canon forum after all. Shot with the assignment in mind, go out and shoot something new don't dig up something from the archives. and most importantly have fun.
I occasionally put a picture in the contest forum. I’m surprised I never see very many entries. Isn’t this a photography forum?
This month of August has been quite hectic as both my wife and I have had medical check-ups with minor problems. I hope they are resolved soon. This month's topic required some thought and I hope I have made a correct interpretation. I have made three methods for changing color, all of them using image editing programs. The first image shows a man walking with a small dog, which cannot be seen, in front of a boat for the children to play on. In DPP, I have set the white balance to Tungsten Light, and in colours I have enhanced the green and especially the blue, seeking a balance.
This photo, that of the pedestrian crossing traffic sign, with a blurred building behind it, has had its tint (hue) corrected quite a bit, giving an unreal image, while retaining a different blue.