Hi Looking for some advice please. Picked up my Canon 450D after being in a cupboard for years and the lens is marked on the front. Can it be repaired without replacing the whole lens? Thank you
Sarah, what sort of mark is it, fungus, is it cloudy looking. The front element can be removed and cleaned, you will need some tools to do this. Have a look on youtube to see how it is done. If you are careful, it is not that hard to do. The third thing it could be is balsam seperation, this is where the elements of the lens are glued together and they seperate leaving a gap, then if this is the case, the lens is a paper weight. They are a fairly comon kit lens and you should be able to pick up a cheap one.
Hi Craig, many thanks for taking the time to reply. I attached a picture to my original question, can you see it? Yes, it’s cloudy, with a sort of spot in the middle so maybe that could be moisture? I’ll see if I can find a YouTube video first to attempt a clean! Thank you again
Unfortunately the problem is on the inside of the lens, here is one to look at on youtube,I use Isopropyl Alcohol to clean my lenses, I got my bottle of it from a electronics store. How to Clean a Foggy Lens - Canon EF 18-55 mm - Disassembly.I use Isopropyl Alcohol to clean my lenses, I got my bottle of it from a electronics store.
this looks like the lens has a filter put on it and the finger prints could well be on the inside of that. remove the filter and clean it but also check the front element of the lens once its removed looks like the filter was fingered when it was put on filter unscrews but may be hard to get off if its been on for ages, you can get filter spanners t remove stuck ones the marks do indeed look more like finger prints than fungus you can also use the lens with out the filter anyway, never used on on any of mine unless its for special effects etc
My first step would be to remove the filter on the front of the lens. And then inspect the lens, checking both the front and rear elements, as well as looking through the lens. To me, it looks as if the marks are on the filter, but until it is removed, it is hard to say. Gary