R5C and Neewer External Monitor - No Signal

Discussion in 'Technical Troubleshooting' started by JAM, Aug 28, 2022.

  1. JAM

    JAM New Member

    Aug 28, 2022
    Hello there,

    First time post here. The text on the R5C in video mode is too small for me to see, so I went and got the Neewer F200 external monitor as all I really need is the larger screen/text.

    The F200 refuses to see the output from the R5C even when I change the output resolution on the HDMI Out on any of the other resolutions (720, 1080, etc). Just says "no signal".

    I tried the F200 on my old Nikon D7100 - works. The HDMI Out on my laptop - works.

    I changed cables too, on the R5C with the HDMI-Micro I already own. No Signal.

    I tried sending the video from HDMI out on the R5C, to the Video interface I use with OBS - works.

    So the R5C is sending the signal, and the F200 is capable of recieving a signal from other devices - just no the R5C

    Any thoughts? Ive attached some screenshots of the specs for this monitor - i should do it. Thanks for any help


    Attached Files:

  2. Camden Goff

    Camden Goff New Member

    Feb 1, 2025
    Canon R5c
    Canon 24-105 F2.8
    I'm having a similiar issue. My r5c was working on my Blackmagic monitors but stopped in the middle of a shoot. It still works on an older TV and teleprompter and in photo mode, the screen turns off when the HDMI is plugged in. The camera won't work on a brand new monitor at the camera store and I've tried multiple different brands of cables.

    Did you ever find a solution for this?

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