Hi guys I want to use a canon 1.4x extender fitted to a 100-400 LS lens, I have tried this combination on my own 1200D and also a 5D mk 2, neither will auto focus I have tried this on a 5D mk 3 and it works, but i cannot afford that body Would anyone know if the lens combo will autofocus on a 6D hope someone can advise David
I have read mixed reports from other photo forums when doing a bit of searching. Maybe someone on the forum here has first hand knowledge of the 6d with that lens and extender. My guess is it has a low chance, given that the 6d has a 11point focus system compared to the more advanced 41 point system on the 5d3. Asking a slow lens this long to focus with an extender is already a lofty goal and if it does focus it will be slow. If your shooting moving subject matter, manual focus and a focus trap may be the better solution.