"Canon Chronicle" Magazine - Help me!

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by afonsog, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. afonsog

    afonsog New Member

    Jun 3, 2018

    First of all, I'm new here; I've created my account specifically so I could post this thread.

    My grandfather is a very successful photographer, having won around 300 prizes worldwide. With the years, he has accumulated piles and piles of catalogs, magazines, books, etc.
    While organizing his collection, I recently found these magazines:

    These appear to be a monthly publication by Canon to be distributed to their resellers and dealers. They contain information about new products, ad campaigns, etc. The ones I have are from March 1969 to May-June 1973.

    I tried finding information about them online, to no avail. As so, I assume these are very rare and undocumented. Before releasing them to the public, I would like to know more about them: does anyone have other issues? Any information regarding them?

    Thanks in advance.

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