Canon RF 40-200 F4 on Canon R7

Discussion in 'Beginner Questions' started by Macer, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. Macer

    Macer New Member

    Nov 24, 2024
    RF 70-200 F4
    Hi all. I have an issue with my RF 70-200 F4 mounted on my R7. As the lens is full format (RF) and the camera R7 is apsc, I should benefit from the crop factor, making my lens equivalent of around 100-300. But when I compare with ans RF-S lens, for example at 70mm I have the same zoom range. I guess my R7 is assuming the RF 70-200 lens is an apsc lens. Is there any function I need to change in the camera menu to benefit from the crop factor and increase my lens range ? I tried to find the answer with Canon but no answer. Maybe some of You have the same camera and lens. Thanks in advance if anyone can help.

  2. Ray-UK

    Ray-UK Active Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Rochester, UK
    Canon 7D Mk II, Canon 10-22, Canon 24-105 L Mk 1, Canon 24mm 2.8, Canon 55-250 STM, Canon 100mm usm macro, 3x Metz 58 AF1 & too many film cameras, mainly Pentax
    A 70mm lens is a 70mm lens whether it is an RF or an RF-S and both types will produce the same image size. Putting an RF lens on a crop camera does not produce larger images. A crop camera just has a smaller sensor which crops the size of the overall picture but the image within the picture remains the same size.
    Everything with your lens/camera combination is working correctly and it is your understanding of the situation that is incorrect.

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