Cityscapes D-Day : Arrowmanches, France

Discussion in 'Post Your Photos' started by Old Film Bloke, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Old Film Bloke

    Old Film Bloke Active Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Brentwood, England
    A-1, AE-1, FTbn, FD lenses: 28mm f2.8, 35mm f3.5,50mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 100mm f2.8, 200mm f4, 75-150mm f4.5 zoom Tokina FD fit 300mm f2.8, extension tubes, Gift CANON 1000F + kit lens and a Sigma 70-210mm, Gift CANON EOS 300v + 28mm f4-5.6 and 75-300mm f4-5.6 Another GIFT a CANON POWERSHOT G5 Digital ,2008 EOS 1000D DIGITAL
    No actual 'Section' for these but all shot on Canon AE-1 and Fuji Superia 100 Print film !
    I wore my 'Vets' outfit ( RAMC) and I asked if I could march with the 'real Vets' as I was 11 years too late for 'D-Day' when I joined the Army in 1955 but the old 90 year olds said I could to pay tribute to those Comrades '"Who didn't make it" -- As we marched down the hill into town front the French Foreign Legion all jumped to attention -- they all had huge muscles and tattoos -- glad they were on 'Our Side' !!

    23250788 Corporal Elgar Royal Army Medical Corps
    [​IMG]Normandy 6 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
    Remains of the Mulberry Harbour broken in June Storms of 1944
    [​IMG]Normandy 4 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
    Landing Craft
    [​IMG]Normandy 2 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
    The Replaced 'Pegasus Bridge' captured by our Paras
    [​IMG]Normandy 8 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
    A 'REAL Vet' bless him -- he told how he dropped in to get Pegasus Bridge on the Glider
    [​IMG]Normandy 10 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
    German Gun -- what the lads were up against as they landed ---
    [​IMG]Normandy 14 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr

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