I want to use a picture style like this on my canon camera. Does anyone know what picture style this uses? Or what kind of custom settings? Thanks a lot.
Hello Luis, looking at the photograph it could be an informal portrait or rather a candid photo, and if it has been photographed without knowing the subject it could be street photography.
Aloysius, can you describe what you are seeing as the picture style or what it is what you like about the image, what i'm thinking, esp if you are a beginner or new to photography, you might be looking at the depth of field rather than a picture style, ie the way the subject is in focus and the background is blurred? as always, the more info you give us the better we can help
I would imagine it was either set on auto or portrait as Jose speculated. https://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/9/0300004289/02/eosrt2i-eos550d-im3-c-en.pdf
Too the points above, nothing special seems set for color balance or anything of that sort, no extra sharpening or anything in custom settings. In fact the shutter speed seems a bit slow for hand held as the image could be a little sharper with a faster shutter would be my guess, but idk what lens length it was or what shutter speed was used. One thing we can tell you is that the lens was shot at a wider aperture so that the background is a bit soft and blurry.
Thank you very much for the answer. What I mean is I want to take a photo with the same color as the photo (Maybe by setting the Picture Style on the camera or custom Picture Style). Because I think the colors in the photo are very attractive with good skin tones and quite vivid colors.
Settings were probably auto, But portrait setting may favor skintone being natural. Lighting has the most to do with this, some cloud cover makes for even lighting. To me it looks like overcast day with some lighting coming across the left side of the face, meaning that his color is from being rather tan, as the lighting is actually lightening the skin tone.