Better Kevin. I see you tried Tv mode - good on you! Just a few blown bits on the horse on the right, but generally pretty good. Next time bump the shutter speed up to 500 or more, even to 1000 and see how much better it will be. If the ISO jumps a bit it won't matter. I just thought as well, have a look at your histogram and make sure the right side is not showing any highlights - if it does, then the detail in that brighter part of the image is lost. Here is a really good explanation of histograms HERE. I hope this information helps a bit, I'm loving the pony images. Cheers.
It all takes time and effort, but we all progress. Yell out if you want a few pointers on how to progress, we can help you out. Gary
Thanks I have been on the EOS forum not very helpful or friendly the seem to strive for perfection at all cost they are very close knit I like this place I have some good comments and helpful ones. Dont mind criticisim hate sarcasm Kevin
One suggestion Kevin. Try to include all of the animals body in your composition, unless you are aiming for a pure portrait. There are of course exceptions to this.
I do look at a couple of other forums, but I'm not a member because of that very reason. When I look at your images I see two things that could be improved, but if you are happy with your images I am not going to say that you must change the way you do things. With posting your images, it's also a way to see how you are progressing. People here are friendly and want to help with passing on their experience. Gary