This is the main sheds at Inernational Catamarans, the last place I worked at before my medical misshap, so I can not work. I loved working there. Now I teach a photography class.
This is a nice picture Craig. I couldn't grasp the size of these buidlings until I Googled the company and wow! they must be huge.
I used to cut and fit the large pipes that was fitted th the huge motors for cooling the and other jobs on the ship.
It's a shame you had to give up the work you loved Craig but you seem to have found something else you love doing.
Kieth, you need to keep your mind and body active, So when unfortunate things happen, you have to move on and keep doing things. I fell back on my previous training in the army reserve as a corporal, this involved training and running a section, I turned to youtube and when I had 3 months lessons planed, I approached the local community house with my offer to start a photography class. That was 10 years ago and still going strong.