My lovely 'Gift' A-1 still playing up--

Discussion in 'Technical Troubleshooting' started by Old Film Bloke, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Old Film Bloke

    Old Film Bloke Active Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Brentwood, England
    A-1, AE-1, FTbn, FD lenses: 28mm f2.8, 35mm f3.5,50mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 100mm f2.8, 200mm f4, 75-150mm f4.5 zoom Tokina FD fit 300mm f2.8, extension tubes, Gift CANON 1000F + kit lens and a Sigma 70-210mm, Gift CANON EOS 300v + 28mm f4-5.6 and 75-300mm f4-5.6 Another GIFT a CANON POWERSHOT G5 Digital ,2008 EOS 1000D DIGITAL
    i think my lovely CANON A-1 Does have a fault with exposure -- using outdated film ( here: 03/2009 Dated ILFORD HP5+ ) usually one should give MORE exposure than 'Box Speed' but to get better quality negatives, not so DENSE I have had to set 1200ASA on the dial -- I also cut development time in FX-4 1+1 from 11 mins to 10 mins and got much better negs. HOWEVER, when I took photos in 'Low Light' situation giving me 1/8th second shutter speed the negs were 'Thin-- UNDER-EXPOSED' but the daylight ones where I got say 1/500th were good. So it seems there IS a fault in the exposure circuit of my A-1 -- Now I have re-loaded the cut film into an AE-1 set to 650 ASA to see what happens !
    Here i also changed the LENS to a TOKINA AT-X 28-85mm f3.5-4.5 but it's not the Canon FD lens playing up. 1/8th at f8
    Low Light test : 1/8th sec at f8 -- Thin Negative
    [​IMG]Canon A-1 low light test by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
    Daylight Test: Faster speed 1/250th at f8
    [​IMG]Canon A-1 daylight test by Peter Elgar, on Flickr

    I DID the infamous A Series 'Canon Squeak' years ago and it is still good. Today took off base=plate with my proper JLS Screwdriver and fired shutter and all seemed well

  2. porkphoto

    porkphoto Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    May 9, 2017
    Southern California, USA
    Cameras 1DmkIII, 1DSmkII, 50d, 7d, 6d, 70d, 5Ds ,90D , R7, R5
    Lens 17-40 f4L, 24-70 f4L IS, 100 f2.8L IS macro, 200 f2.8L, 300 f4L IS, 300 f2.8L, 100-400 f4.5-5.6L IS, 500mm f4L IS
    The first pic seems over exposed especially in the background lit areas, the second looks great to me wonderful composition there.
  3. Old Film Bloke

    Old Film Bloke Active Member Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2017
    Brentwood, England
    A-1, AE-1, FTbn, FD lenses: 28mm f2.8, 35mm f3.5,50mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 100mm f2.8, 200mm f4, 75-150mm f4.5 zoom Tokina FD fit 300mm f2.8, extension tubes, Gift CANON 1000F + kit lens and a Sigma 70-210mm, Gift CANON EOS 300v + 28mm f4-5.6 and 75-300mm f4-5.6 Another GIFT a CANON POWERSHOT G5 Digital ,2008 EOS 1000D DIGITAL
    There is a Drinks Cabinet on Left which is brighter but on a PRINT I did before I burnt that area in -- These are Neg Scans for speed so cannot easily 'burn in 'areas using FastStone Image Viewer as it doesn't have all the 'tools' that PhotoShop has.

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