The present competition is about finished, I was wondering what the next theme will be and suggest flower or macro flowers as a large percentage of photos shown cover this subject. Does anyone else think the same way or consider something else ?
We have been running the current competition a little bit longer than we had planned. I am going to start the voting process by this weekend so we can figure out the winners! Also I will keep in mind of your suggestion for the theme.
I would like to see a comp as well, it doesn't have to be anything grand, something small like picture of the month on a selected subject, prize can be just a "well done by the judges". It doesn't really have to cost anything. A competition gets people out taking photos and stimulates creativity.
something monthly or bi monthly sounds like fun, esp as its pretty easy to upload a pic. three ideas that come to mind at the moment: Motion Stopped - a picture that depicts motion coming to a stop Decay - this object has ceased to be, Broken - something that is broken / damaged. ( the idea i like best out of the three) anyone got any other subject ideas for a fun pic comp?
As a suggestion, for now, why not a monthly "post your best photos thread". You know the images you like a little more than the others that you would post in the normal gallery. At the end of each month, maybe one of the site moderators could have a browse through the thread, and pick what they think is the best or tickles their fancy. Then that months thread gets closed, and then the next months thread starts. By doing this, no themes need to be thought up, and anyone can enter with what they like. So less pressure on you all. Of course I am not trying to lumber more work on Johnsey. Let us know what you all think. If you are happy with the idea. I am happy to create a thread at the beginning of each month, (I can start one for February) and close it at the end of the month, and send the person judging the images a reminder PM. Thoughts? Ideas? Yes? No? Gary
We could do 'our best pics' the reason I suggest a topic or three for the period is to be a bit more challenging, or to maybe look at something we wouldn't normally I'd also be interested in seeing what others come up with as topic ideas to make me think of different subjects
I often have periods in life where life takes over, and this hobby of mine gets put on the back burner. So this year, I am going to attempt to get out at least once a month with my camera, and at the end of the year, I was going to a 'best years pictures' thread and see what happens. So far, I have managed two out of two months! Gary
think i found all three in this very rusty weather vane at my M.O.T. garage, motion stopped, decayed and broken.