I have an 11 years old 5D Mark II that I am going to sell. It has never been any problems with the camera, but now I haven't used it for a while. When I tested it now, I became a little worried, because it won't always start up at first attempt. I sometimes have to turn it off and on again, or maybe remove the battery and try again. Sometimes it also takes a few seconds extra before something happens. In the "good old days" the camera used to start up immediately. I have tried with two different fully charged batteries, with the same result, and I cannot see any dirt on the contacts. Is it safe to sell this old camera (I will of course mention the problem), or could it be a sign of a beginning serious problem? Could it help to replace the internal clock battery, even though the clock is still correct?
Clock battery wouldn't make a difference there. If i was buying that I would be worried about how much mileage it has left, the switch not working every time and slow start up is a sign of a electronic issue with the circuit board. I'm sure you can sell it but I would take into consideration that it could die in 3 months or 3 years. Much like a used car you know has issues and may need work, I would price accordingly.
Thank you very much! I have already sold the camera today, but I sold it very cheap, about 200 USD including some accessories, and I informed the buyer about the issue. I also said he could return the camera within one week if he regrets the purchase.
That seems reasonable and about what I would want to pay considering the issue/risk. I think its about half the price of the going rate of a good working used one if i am not mistaken.