Old 5D Mark II won't always start up

Discussion in 'Technical Troubleshooting' started by evikne71, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. evikne71

    evikne71 New Member

    Sep 11, 2020
    I have an 11 years old 5D Mark II that I am going to sell. It has never been any problems with the camera, but now I haven't used it for a while. When I tested it now, I became a little worried, because it won't always start up at first attempt. I sometimes have to turn it off and on again, or maybe remove the battery and try again. Sometimes it also takes a few seconds extra before something happens. In the "good old days" the camera used to start up immediately.

    I have tried with two different fully charged batteries, with the same result, and I cannot see any dirt on the contacts.

    Is it safe to sell this old camera (I will of course mention the problem), or could it be a sign of a beginning serious problem? Could it help to replace the internal clock battery, even though the clock is still correct?

  2. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    Clock battery wouldn't make a difference there. If i was buying that I would be worried about how much mileage it has left, the switch not working every time and slow start up is a sign of a electronic issue with the circuit board. I'm sure you can sell it but I would take into consideration that it could die in 3 months or 3 years. Much like a used car you know has issues and may need work, I would price accordingly.
    evikne71 likes this.
  3. evikne71

    evikne71 New Member

    Sep 11, 2020
    Thank you very much! I have already sold the camera today, but I sold it very cheap, about 200 USD including some accessories, and I informed the buyer about the issue. I also said he could return the camera within one week if he regrets the purchase.
  4. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    That seems reasonable and about what I would want to pay considering the issue/risk. I think its about half the price of the going rate of a good working used one if i am not mistaken.
    evikne71 likes this.

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