Canon EOS 80D and a Canon EF-S 55-250mm, IS, STM Lens. Thanks for viewing. This is a test shot only. Thnx. TT Tony
This is a lovely image Tony, I much prefer to see blooms with a hint of background rather than floating in space although I appreciate that circumstances often dictate otherwise.
Greetings Thumbnail, I really appreciate your feedback. I did mention that this was a test shot only. I am experiencing difficulties uploading images that are exactly what I have in my editing software. Images are uploading flat and soft and is therefore becoming quite annoying. Again, Many thanks mate, Tony
This is a problem affecting most forums in my experience Tony and has been discussed at length in most of them. For this forum I have learned, through empirical means, to edit my images to suit the forum before I make the post, however I sometimes have to delete an image, adjust it and re-post if it doen't look right. I will often give my screen a quick tweek to view an image if I think the forum is showing it below par.
Thanks again. These items you mentioned I have been contending with for approximately six years now. It is only one Forum I have been experiencing these difficulties. There are times when I have deleted the same image numerous times to the point where I get challenged by a Moderator. The only solution is for me to lower the resolution to around 400X400 and sometimes even lower. This causes a problem in photo sites where the minimum resolution is 700X700. Meaning I have to adjust resolution again in order to upload to these other sites. Not certain at this juncture what the panacea is. Thanks again, Tony. )
You can do as I do and check the appearance of the image before committing a post by selecting the Preview button. If you are not satisfied with it then delete the image, make appropriate changes in your software, then re-post it and check again.