I have a canon sx70 hs although it's an old model the camera was purchased new. In low light conditions the evf is very grainy image and the lcd is terrible it has purplish streaks of light bleed across the screen a terrible image but in good light both the evf and lcd are fine. Also the lcd flickers when near florescent lighting. Is the normal with this camera especially the low light evf and lcd issues?
Im hoping we have a SX70HS owner here that can provide perspective. Chris can you provide some images of what you are seeing so we can see how bad the grain and purple streaks are? How dark of lighting? I expect grain on a screen doing a live view in very low light, purple steaks sound like something is wrong. If you have a very dark situation the camera is going to artificially enhance ISO to provide a 1/60 or live broadcast of the image where you normally would have to have multiple seconds to expose properly that is when I expect grain. I dont have a SX70, but i have an old SD1200 point and shoot I can simulate with...