We are pleased to announce our November photo contest! The theme of this photo contest is: Symmetry How to Enter To enter a photo in the contest, upload your photo here: ----> Enter the November 2017 Photo Contest: Symmetry <---- Once your photo is uploaded, you can "like" other photos to qualify them as a contestant. If your photo is one of the top 10 most liked photos from the album, it will move on to voting in a separate thread in this forum. Voting will last one week, and the photo with the most votes wins. Prizes The winner of the photo contest will receive the following: $25 USD B&H Photo gift card Increased photo storage on our photo gallery to 1 GB We will post your photo on our Facebook page with your name on it Contest Details & Rules Your photo must be a landscape theme Only one entry per person is allowed. Multiple entries will result in disqualification Photos shall be uploaded here Photos will be allowed to be uploaded until November 27th, 2017 Voting will be first done on the album by "liking" the photos. The top 10 most liked photos will go into the finalist voting. The finalist photo voting period will be open from November 27th, 2017 to December 4th, 2017 Finalist photos will be posted on a thread in this forum, where users can choose the best photo. The most voted photo will win the contest. Good luck!