As time pass by, I saw a trend in camera design. They make them smaller and smaller. and a lot of people are very glad for every millimeter lost in camera size. But meantime, our hands became bigger and thicker, and less adapted to operate small objects. This trend reminds me that not so long ago, phones was made smaller and smaller, until they was as a lighter, good for the hands of a child. Everyone, including young people could easilly drop those phones. Until the birth of the Iphone, and the hole line of smartphones, which now are bigger and bigger. I just hope that some clever manufacturer will put a 5'' display on a camera, to stop this, ...''smaller'' trend.
Is that 5' as in 5 feet? or 5". As cameras get smaller, the battery capacity could be upped which would increase the size a bit but provide better battery life.
Yeah, what about providing only lenses with caps where you insert your card (I think someone said it already)... When that day will come, I'll go to Apertus ( The reality is, it won't be that easy. Prices, availability, the technical level required if there is a DIY initiative. More probably, the film is the only viable alternative. And a good film scanner to make it digital. But is good to have the Apertus sources - exactly the part where the sensor is read and the data is translated in a processable image.