Up Close And Personal.

Discussion in 'Post Your Photos' started by Tonytee, May 29, 2019.

  1. Tonytee

    Tonytee Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 19, 2017
    Canon EOS Rebel T5 with Canon EF-S 18~55mm kit lens and Canon EF-S 55-250 mm 1:4~5.6 IS II
    Telephoto Lens.
    Lens: Canon EF-S 18~55mm, IS,II Lens Camera: Canon T5 Photo Location: My Backyard ISO: 500 Shutter Speed: 1/250s Aperture: F8
    Focal Length 55mm, Manual Exposure Mode, No Fill Flash with CWA Metering.

    Thanks for viewing.

    rayallen likes this.

  2. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    Plenty of good detail there, Tony. I think that your 18-55mm is working OK. I know that there will always be manufacturing tolerances and that no two lenses will be EXACTLY the same but I have a copy of the same lens and I have been very impressed with its performance. I bought it knowing that it was a kit lens (and I have two versions of the Pentax DA 18-55mm) and I was wondering how good it would be. I was very pleasantly surprised at how good it is and I feel that it is every bit as good as the Pentax kit lenses and might even be a bit better but that opinion is very subjective and is not supported by any scientific lens testing. It is just my "feeling".
    I don't think that there is any reason for you to malign that lens of yours. :):D
    Tonytee likes this.
  3. Tonytee

    Tonytee Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 19, 2017
    Canon EOS Rebel T5 with Canon EF-S 18~55mm kit lens and Canon EF-S 55-250 mm 1:4~5.6 IS II
    Telephoto Lens.
    Many thanks Ray. I went out shooting today with that same gear, and although many turned out good, I believe there is a problem with the auto-focus. It tells me the image is in focus, but it does not appear in focus through the viewfinder. In fact, many turned out terribly soft that I had to delete them. Perhaps I need to get back to the drawing board myself and see what if anything I am doing wrong. Thanks again,

  4. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    I don't know what focus point or points you are using but my advice would be to try the single centre focus point and focus on the part of the image that you want in focus and then recompose to take the shot. Maybe if you are using multiple focus points that could be part of the problem. I have converted both my Canon bodies to use BBF (Back Button Focus) and I find that to be very useful. I also use that focus method on my Pentax bodies.
  5. Tonytee

    Tonytee Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 19, 2017
    Canon EOS Rebel T5 with Canon EF-S 18~55mm kit lens and Canon EF-S 55-250 mm 1:4~5.6 IS II
    Telephoto Lens.
    Ray, unfortunately the T5 does not have BBF. Okay, in going through the instruction manual, it appears as though I have to use LiveView in order to select which auto-focus function I want. Back again and I did set up the auto-focus initially with Flexizone-Single. That seemed to work okay, however the instruction manual indicated that achieving focus is more difficult and takes longer in this mode, so instead I opted for the Quick Mode. That seemed to be working alright however I will try it again in the morrow and see how it goes. Thanks again,

  6. rayallen

    rayallen Well-Known Member Site Supporter

    Apr 26, 2017
    Neither of my old Canons supported BBF but I converted the AEL button to BBF in Custom Functions.
    So, AEL becomes BBF and the shutter button becomes AEL and shutter release. So, they thought about that many years ago. Winner!

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