Warning: Nightmarish Experience with Canon Professional Service Center - Sweden

Discussion in 'Technical Troubleshooting' started by Natchanun Sanitdee, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. Natchanun Sanitdee

    Natchanun Sanitdee New Member

    Nov 27, 2023
    Dear Canon Forums Members,

    I hope this message finds you well. I feel compelled to share a cautionary experience I recently had with Canon Professional Service Center - Sweden. It is crucial to bring attention to the issues I encountered to prevent fellow photographers from facing similar challenges.

    I sent my camera to this service center from Finland to address a fungus issue in the lens, expecting a standard lens cleaning service. However, the outcome was disastrous. The service center not only replaced my lens but also the sensor and battery system without my consent. Subsequently, my camera experienced multiple malfunctions.

    After the repairs, my pictures exhibited prominent vignetting, and the battery life plummeted to less than two minutes before the camera shut down. Additionally, the removal of plastic plugs for ports and audio on the camera's side left it vulnerable to damage from humidity or liquid exposure during use.

    Despite expressing my concerns to Canon Professional Service Center Sweden, they insisted on opening a new repair case with additional costs. This unexpected and unsatisfactory response compelled me to share my experience with the camera community.

    I have attached images taken before and after the repair, clearly illustrating the degradation in picture quality. The vignetting issue, absent before the repair, became pronounced, indicating a fault in the service center's procedures.

    My camera, which has been in my possession for over ten years without prior issues, encountered problems only after I brought it from Thailand to Finland last year. While I understand my camera is beyond the warranty period, the decision to send my camera to Canon was based on trust, which unfortunately was misplaced in this instance.

    I appreciate any support or insights from the community to navigate this challenging situation.

    Thank you for your attention, and I hope we can collectively ensure a positive and transparent experience for all members.


    before the repair.JPG
    before the repair1.JPG before the repair2.JPG before the repair3.JPG after  the repair with another lens.JPG after the repair with the repaired lens.JPG plastic plugs removed.jpg S__4792322_0.jpg S__4792324_0.jpg S__4792325_0.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023

  2. Thumbnail

    Thumbnail Active Member Site Supporter

    Jul 27, 2020
    If this is an authorised Canon Repair Centre then you should escalate your complaint to the highest level starting with Canon Europe, try this:
  3. Natchanun Sanitdee

    Natchanun Sanitdee New Member

    Nov 27, 2023
  4. johnsey

    johnsey Site Moderator Staff Member Site Supporter

    Apr 21, 2017
    Fargo, ND
    5dMk4, 5dsR, 5dMk2, 20D, 70-200 2.8L IS, 100mm 2.8 Macro USM, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 17-40mm 4.0L, TS-E 24mm 3.5L II, Rokinon 14mm 2.8; Pixma Pro-100
    Very unfortunate situation your going through,.... I do feel that this could have been handled better by canon for sure. Sounds like you had some obvious electrical problems before sending it in? I think some of he situation is rather emotional and I am taking a look at it as a 3rd party because some of what i read doesn't appear to be directly canons fault, but I also would be upset if i sent stuff in and it was operating below the standard it was at before hand so I completely feel for you there.

    The tech definitely should have returned things like plugs back to the state they were at when shipped into canon. Looks like the repair cost is comparable to buying a newer model, sad but not a surprise if the electronics were impacted. You were very likely on borrowed time I think when 1 electrical thing starts its usually just the beginning, if he lcd stopped working you had a short which probably impacted the motherboard, maybe shipping made things worse??? What i am confused about is they said they returned it without repair. Which makes more sense if your having failures....The long and short here, if you have electrical problems, they tend to get worse easily and the parts are expensive enough that it makes sense to replace the camera instead of fixing.

    Regarding the lens CANON said they replaced the parts inside, which makes sense, the delicate labor to clean fungus off class would exceed to the cost of replacement glass parts and labor on this lens. (dunno if you paid for that or if they did and did not charge) They appear to have a quote for replacement parts that is about equal to the cost of that lens new, which is why on consumer grade gear I recommend just buying a replacement. .... General logic i have: Why spend over 200 on a repair when you can buy new for 250 or get a used copy off ebay for under 100? (sorry for the USD numbers but you get the idea)

    Now regarding the vignetting specifically .... there is nothing physically with the camera they could do that would cause this to be an issue ....vignetting is a lens design problem, which happens because the light fall off in the lens and the distance to the sensor. Vignetting is known to be apparent on this lens wide open, so it appears its operation as expected...
    https://www.kenrockwell.com/canon/lenses/18-55mm-stm.htm#fo Now the camera has a correction setting that does a great job of correcting it. SO that is likely part of you problem, secondly it looks like you have a flash fired at that wall so you will see heavy light fall off that would greatly exaggerate any slight vignetting, comparing it to any image above where you were stopped down and the lighting was even because its outdoors is not a great comparison. I think your lens is likely fine, but if they reset the camera and it may have shut of the lens correction setting.
  5. Natchanun Sanitdee

    Natchanun Sanitdee New Member

    Nov 27, 2023
    Hello Johnsey,

    I appreciate your prompt response. The information seems to be circulating faster than I anticipated. Canon Sweden reached out to me this afternoon, echoing the same details they had communicated via email.

    Prior to the repair, my camera was in good condition. While the battery life naturally shortened over its ten-year lifespan, it still allowed me to capture photos comfortably for a full day. However, post-repair, the camera unexpectedly shuts down after only a few minutes of use.

    Regarding the LCD issue, it's not a complete blackout but rather a refusal to flip when attempting a selfie. I suspect the problem is at the connecting part between the main body and the screen itself. Interestingly, before it stopped flipping totally, I resorted to a makeshift solution by gently tapping that connecting point – the same thing you would do with an old analog TV – and it temporarily resolved the issue. Therefore, this problem has nothing to do with the main board or the sensor.

    Concerning the lens cost, I began researching this aspect after my camera journeyed to Sweden. I even got a new pancake 24mm lens not knowing that my camera would return after the repair in this condition. I also used this lens to test the vignetting issue, and the vignetting still appears after changing the lens. The photos taken against the wall were captured without flash with the room light evenly distributed. Now, my camera is not in a usable condition at all.

    I'm far from being an expert, using my camera only a few times each year during trips. This marks my initial experience with camera repair, and regrettably, it has been a wholly unpleasant one.

    Thank you once again for your understanding.

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
  6. Thumbnail

    Thumbnail Active Member Site Supporter

    Jul 27, 2020
    Having re-read your original post I spotted this line which I originally missed:
    "I sent my camera to this service center from Finland to address a fungus issue in the lens, expecting a standard lens cleaning service."
    This begs the question "Why did you send the camera body if you only wanted a lens service?"
    The document from the company also intimates that you attached an error description stating stating that the LCD does't turn when you rotate the camera. "
    I'm sorry but the more I read your comments in this thread the more confused I am becoming, especially as scrutiny of the company documents you posted would also indicate that you requested more than just a 'standard lens clean'. Do you have copies of your original approach to the company that would prove the contents of your original request?
  7. Natchanun Sanitdee

    Natchanun Sanitdee New Member

    Nov 27, 2023
    Hello Keith,

    I trust you're doing well. I just wanted to provide some additional details to clarify the confusion around my recent requests for maintenance and repair.

    Initially, I made two distinct requests: one for maintenance, specifically to clean the lens, and the other for repair, focusing on fixing the screen. The maintenance request for lens cleaning could be initiated on the website, resulting in a case number and instructions to ship my camera to Sweden.

    On the other hand, the repair request for the screen involved filling out a form describing the issues, with the expectation that staff would contact me. Unfortunately, after submitting the repair request form, I did not receive any response. To draw attention to the screen repair details, I added them to the case log of my maintenance request in my account. It was only after this step that a Canon staff member reached out to me.

    Upon receiving the price quote, I decided to proceed with fixing the lens alone, considering the high cost associated with the LCD repair. However, during a call with a staff member this afternoon, I was informed that the screen issue is linked to the main board and the sensor, prompting an inspection of these parts. This explanation struck me as peculiar and raised questions about the nature of the issue.

    Your insights are always valuable. Thanks for your understanding.


    Screen Shot 2566-11-28 at 19.16.24.png

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