This is a panning shot in a local street. I did some work on it to create an Out-Of-Border effect and also a Night/Day look. Canon EOS 7D Mark II...
Thanks Craig. Anemones are in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. They are windflowers native to the temperate and subtropical regions of all...
Hi Tony, these are Bellis perennis ‘Habanera' also known as English Daisy and Lawn Daisy. These are Anemones [ATTACH]
I love your lightning shot Gary, fantastic light and a great mood you've captured. Well done.
Thanks Craig. I don't know if not having many thunder storms is a good thing or not - good for us togs, but not for dogs :)
I have always used BULB mode for getting great lightning shots. Tripod - Manual focus to INFINITY - 100 ISO - f:11. Aim the camera towards the...
You're most welcome Kevin, enjoy your photography :)
I agree Craig. That would be a good Photoshop challenge :)
Thanks for the reply Kevin. I'd love to see some fast shutter shots in Tv mode. Try this: Tv Mode | 1/2000th | Auto ISO | EV=0 | AWB AI SERVO |...
You're very welcome Kevin. I hope you can get something from it.
I get what you are doing with a slow shutter but 1/2000th would have given a lot better and sharper image. Shutter Priority as you used is the way...
I'm withy Gary! It would be really eerie at night!
Hi Kevin, that's a rather special image. The light beam really dominates the shot. As a tip, when you take this type of shot with super bright...
Too heavy for me then !
Geez! I'd love one of those parked in my driveway.
All expermental Tony and lighting plays a big part in your settings. Faithful has zero sharpness, contrast and saturation so it's a good place to...
These are suggested settings only Tony but a good starting point. Red flowers in sunshine play havoc with image sensors especially when close up...
Some other settings: Set "Standard" Picture Style, Sharpness=3, all others 0. White Balance: Daylight or Auto. Metering: Centre Weighted Average...
And again, a beautifully exposed and colourful shot. Another one and you'd have a great triptych for the wall.
You're welcome. There are so many different settings for flowers Tony. For my best results, I like to shoot them in shade, Manual mode, f:8-11,...
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